Tuesday, April 2, 2013

   I have obtained the GPS unit and I am hopeful to go out in the field tomorrow or Thursday to obtain points. I also have to figure out an alternative method of marking off the boundaries for the Preserve. The area immediately surrounding the Wynantskill Creek is very wet and impassable so obtaining exact GPS points may prove difficult.
   I have at least obtained a map that shows the area of the Vanderheyden Preserve and the adjacent wetland. Only the northern part of the wetland is in the Preserve and most of this area today is where the Wynantskill Creek runs. The Creek has diverged into smaller channels that wind through the wetland.

Here is a rudimentary map of the John B. Staalesen Vanderheyden Preserve:

 The Preserve itself is located between in area south of the streets and north of the creek. The parking lot and entrance is located just at the end of Wynantskill Way in the northwest corner of the map. I hope to go out in the field to confirm locations within this area.
   ~Matthew Spargo


  1. So far, the best method to mark the area is at the intersections of the stream to the boundaries of the preserve. If any roads intersect the preserve boundaries, that too can be a good reference when mapping the points. Kevin will be able to help you find good reference points when recording the GPS units. When you start mapping, try adding features of the wetland to give the public a good idea of where it is.
